After seeing the success of one of the ladies on the adrenal fatigue forum on, I looked into copper toxicity.
If you would like to learn more about how stress and copper toxicity are related, the book
Why Am I Always So Tired?
by Ann Louise Gittleman is a great place to start.
In a nutshell ...chronic stress leads to the gradual accumulation of toxins. When you are stuck in a state of stress, your body does not have the energy to remove toxins, so they start to accumulate in your body.
Stress reduces Glutathione and Vitamin C levels, both of which are needed to remove toxins.
If you spent time as a vegan or vegetarian, you are even more likely to accumulate high levels of copper and other toxins. There are a couple of reasons for this. (more of that in another article).
After reading Ann Louise Gittlman's book, I started working on copper detox. I eventually switched to the Nutritional Balancing program , which is a great adrenal fatigue treatment protocol. It uses hair analysis to monitor minerals and toxins.
You may have stumbled upon articles stating that hair analysis is not accurate. The following article
has some lab tests from myself and one other individual:
Is Hair Analysis Accurate?
Basically, if the labs do not wash the hair sample, hair analysis is reliable and repeatable . We both obtained nearly exact results from two labs (TEI and ARL).
If you are extremely sick, it is common to initially show very little toxins in your hair. This is because your body does not have enough spare energy to try to remove them.
But once your body is able to remove toxins, it has a lot of catching up to do. Heavy metals actually increase in your hair as they start to come out of storage and into circulation.
After years and years of chronic stress and adrenal fatigue, you will have lots and lots of toxins stored all over your body. It can take a while to get it all out , and the detox symptoms can be a little rough at times.
I know what you are thinking. Great ! An increase in symptoms .... just what I need!
Unfortunately, working on detoxification does mean having symptoms get a worse for a while.
Here is a Sample Hair Analysis 2014-03. It is one of the samples included in the trends below:
Below is a trend of my copper over the last couple of years.
Note: Although copper is an essential mineral, it is toxic a high levels.
The reference range is 1.5 to 3.2. Note where I started (above 6), and it continues to climb as it comes out of storage. The last sample on the chart below is 24.2.
If would like to see why chronic stress leads to excess copper,
see the article:
Copper and Adrenal Fatigue.
Trend of Copper from Hair Analysis
Note: All of the Labs used to create these trends are at the end of this article.
By the way ... women seem much more prone to copper toxicity. See the article
Copper Toxicity in Women for more information.
For mercury, there is no ideal range. It is a toxin at any level. But note that it is trending up in my hair as mercury continues to be eliminated from storage.
Trend of Mercury from Hair Analysis
Note that mercury barely registered for a while. But as I get better, it is starting to increase in my hair.
For Aluminum, there is no ideal range. It is a toxin at any level. But again, see how it is trending up in my hair as aluminum continues to be eliminated from storage.
Aluminum took a very large jump in my last test:
(Hair Analysis Sample 2014-03)
Trend of Aluminum from Hair Analysis
Like the other metals, arsenic is trending up as it is eliminated from storage, indicating that heavy metal detoxification is gradually increasing .
Trend of Arsenic from Hair Analysis
Lead is still fairly low. But like all of the other heavy metals, is it trending up as I work on heavy metal detoxification using the Nutritional Balancing program.
Trend of Lead from Hair Analysis
Coffee Enemas are very
helpful for reducing detox symptoms
By working on heavy metal detoxification, I am slowly getting rid of
adrenal fatigue
symptoms that were very very stubborn.
I really don't think it is possible to completely recover from adrenal fatigue until you address stored toxins.
From seeing other people on the various Facebook groups and forums, Nutritional Balancing seems to be one of the most effective adrenal fatigue treatment protocols.
It is not a speedy protocol. But you have probably figured out by now that there no quick fixes.
If you stumble upon Dr. Larry Wilsons website, he has some views that can be off putting for some people (politics, views on women, etc.). This kept me away from the Nutritional Balancing program for several years.
However, after seeing the improvements that others were making, I gave it a shot. I am very glad that I did.
Leave a comment if you have any questions.
I wish you all the best, regardless of what treatment protocol you are trying. Good luck .... be well.
The following are all of the labs used to create the above trends:
Hair Analysis 2012-02-15 (TEI)
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