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Adrenal Fatigue and Your Liver

  • Stress affects your liver
  • Some symptoms come from a sluggish liver

When you are in a state of stress, your body does not detoxity very well.

This is fine in the short term. But if you are stuck in a state of stress, toxins start to accumulate.

The table below shows survey results of 222 people that landed on this site, people researching adrenal fatigue. The questions are all related to toxins.

Survey Question Answer
Do you ever have beige or light colored bowel movements?

50.0% Yes

Do you occasionally have a Metallic Taste in your mouth?

45.8% Yes

Are you sensitive to things like chemicals, wood dust, perfume? Do you break out with exposure?

44.7% Yes

Do you Bruise Easy?

58.7% Yes

Here is the link to the actual survey results: Survey Results

Only 29 people (13%) answered No to all of the questions.

This article covers how stress affects your liver, and connects the symptoms in the above table to your liver.

Stress and your Liver

Your liver makes bile to aid in the digestion of fats5. Bile is stored in the gallbladder waiting for you to eat fats.

Bile also carries toxins away from your liver to be excreted with your stool1,2. If your bile flow is compromised, you will have trouble disgesting fats, and your elimination of toxins will be reduced.

Stress reduces the flow of bile:

  .... stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system results in reduced bile secretion and relaxation of the gallbladder. 4

Studies have shown the stress stops your gallbladder from emptying, leading to compromised digestion, as well as cholesterol gallstone formation8,9.

And as noted by the American Liver Foundation, the following happens with liver problems:

  Toxins may build up in your brain, causing problems with concentration, memory, sleeping, or other mental functions6

Many Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms are really symptoms related to your liver and gallbladder, which can have their root in chronic stress.

Light-Colored Bowel Movements

When you have beige, light colored, white, or clay colored bowel movements, that means not enough bile is making it to your stool.

As noted on the Mayo Clinic site, light-colored bowel movements mean:

  A lack of bile in stool. This may indicate a bile duct obstruction. 3

This is bad for digestion of fats, but also means that you are not eliminating toxins very well.

I had this off an on for many years. But it became very bad when I started to work on copper detox. I would take zinc, which caused a lot of copper to come out of storage.

My liver and bile ducts could not handle copper detoxification. My bowel movements were almost pure white. They were also very oily, likely due to undigested fats.

Bruise Easily

  • Your liver affects Vitamin K absorption
  • Vitamin K deficiency leads to easy bruising

There are a few reasons why you might bruise easily, but one of them is connected to your liver.

As noted by the American Liver Foundation, one sign of liver issues is:

  You may bleed or bruise easily6

What's the connection to liver issues and bruising? It's Vitamin K.

  Health problems that can prevent your body from absorbing vitamin K, such as gallbladder or biliary disease .....Liver disease7

Back in 2011, my blood test showed low levels of Vitamin K. This was before I started doing liver flushes and coffee enemas.

Vitamin K1 Level Normal Range

0.13 mg/mL (Low)

0.28 to 1.78

For the actual lab report --> 2011 Bloodwork

And Vitamin K deficiency lead to easy bruising10.

So years of chronic stress causes reduced bile flow ..... which causes reduced absorbstion of Vitamin K ..... which causes Easy Bruising.

Sensitive to Supplements, Chemicals, etc

The American Liver Foundation notes the following symptom of liver disease:

  You may become more sensitive to medications and their side effects6

This is very common on adrenal fatigue forums. People often comment that they have a hard time taking supplements.

Here is a thread on the adrenal fatigue forum at Curezone discussing supplement sensitivity: Curezone-Supplements

Liver issues are also implicated is people suffering from multiple chemical sensitivities.

  ...the liver of chemically sensitive patients is marginal compared to the liver or normal people.11

When I crashed in 2003, I suddenly became sensitive to wood dust, oil, gas and other chemicals.

Metallic Taste in Mouth

If you had a banana taste in your mouth, it probably means that there are bits of banana in your mouth:)

The metals are indeed there, causing problems. You are tasting something that is actually there.

It is difficult to find references in conventional medicine indicating liver congestion is a potential cause of a metallic taste.

The Cleveland Clinic states the following:

  A metallic taste can indicate serious illness, such as kidney or liver problems..... If you are exposed to mercury or lead, inhaling high levels of these substances often can produce a metallic taste.12

When people start a detox program, such the Nutritional Balancing program, they often experience a metallic taste for the first time. As the metals start to move from storage, people may experience a metallic taste for the first time. They usually find that coffee enemas help.

The website also lists a metallic taste as a symptom a congested or sluggish liver. The website does have MD's amongst it's staff, but generally has a naturopathic approach.

If you click to their liver article, you will likely find many Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms: Dark circles, bags under eyes, itchy skin, strong urine smell, history of chronic fatigue syndrome, migraines, psoriasis, and more.


Toxins accumulate during stress, and even more once your energy is lower. Many of the adrenal fatigue symptoms you are struggling with a likely related to a sluggish liver.

You will need to address your sluggish liver. The site has a few tips. They mention coffee enemas and liver flushes, both of which I use on a regular basis.

It can take a long time. The article Heavy Metal Detox Trends shows 2 year trends of hair analysis.

But unfortunately .... it is something that must be addressed for adrenal fatigue recovery.

If you are Female, please answer .... 3 quick Questions about
Your Symptoms

If you are Female, please answer .... 3 quick Questions about
Your Symptoms
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1. Intestinal excretion of toxic substances
2. Elimination of Toxins
3. Mayoclinic: Stool color
4. Medical Physiology: Principles of Clinical Medicine by Rodney Rhoades and David R. Bell 4th edition published by Wolters Kluwer
5. Bile- Wikipedia
7. University of MaryLand Medical Center: Vitamin K
8. The gall of subordination: changes in gall bladder function associated with social stress.
9. Noradrenergic inhibition of canine gallbladder contraction and murine pancreatic secretion during stress by corticotropin-releasing factor
10. Bruises.html
11. Chemical Sensitivity: Volume 4: Tools for Diagnosis and Methods of Treatment
12. Cleveland Clinic: Metallic Taste
13. Liver Detoxification / Support Requirement
14. Vitamin K Supplementation in Postmenopausal Women with Osteopenia (ECKO Trial): A Randomized Controlled Trial

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